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Thursday, March 12, 2009

An Honorable Yet "Awkward" Tribute to Chuck Berry

Like most of us do while using the computer,  I found myself once again watching random videos on YouTube. All of a sudden, I come upon an old clip from "Back to the Future" that I surprisingly don't remember watching. It wasn't any ordinary clip though, it actually kept me pondering for a while. The clip is about Marty going back in time to the late fifties' when the foundations of rock were just taking root and Chuck Berry was rising to fame. Most of you might not know this, but one of the recognized founders of rock actually happens to be the famous blues/rock'n'roll guitarist and singer Chuck Berry. In the video, Marty was asked to play guitar at a show as a substitute for Marven Berry, Chuck's cousin, because Marven's hand was injured. Marty finds himself jamming out to an all-time classic, Johnny B. Goode, originally written by Chuck. As he progresses during the song, he incorporates different styles of guitar jams that had not been created yet. In the last minutes of the song, he suddenly takes a drastic switch from rock'n'roll and finds himself imitating later styles, from guitar bashing and heavy chords created by "The Who" in the sixties, to some crazy fast metal guitar tapping that only Van Halen could pull off! The crowd is soon bedazzled to the point that Marven takes away Marty's guitar as if it were possessed. I found the whole thing hilarious! As funny as it was, the video still made think about how I would feel if some weirdo from the future popped up and started playing some random new crap that hadn't been created yet.
Marty McFly Doing Johnny B. Goode

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Iron Maiden Fans Cause One of Their Biggest Mayhems Yet in Colombia!

It all started in the Colombian capitol city of Bogotá, where over 100 Iron Maiden Fans were arrested before the concert as riots broke out.
Ticket-less fans started attacking police, throwing rocks and damaging public property, when finally tear-gas was used by authorities.
40 of the fans arrested still remain in custody. Reports state that the riots broke out after a group of malcontents wanted to enter the show without tickets. Local authorities are set to debate whether heavy metal acts should be allowed to take place in the country in the future, although it wasn't the first time this type of event has happened there, or even in nearby countries because of a Metal band's show-up.